Dossiers d’HEL n°7
Lecture vernaculaire de textes classiques chinois
Reading Chinese Classical texts in the Vernacular
Numéro dirigé par John Whitman et Franck Cinato
SHESL 2014

An introduction to kunten glossed texts and their study in Japan
Valerio Alberizzi
University of Waseda, Tokyo
Valerio Luigi Alberizzi holds a Ph.D. in Japanese Language and Linguistics from the University of Ca’ Foscari, Venice (Italy). He is currently Associate Professor at the Open Education Center, Waseda University, Tōkyō, where he coordinates the Italian language program.
He has taught courses on both modern and classical Japanese language in the Department of East Asian Studies, University of Ca’ Foscari, Venice, and in the Department of Modern Foreign Languages and Literatures at the Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna
Picture caption : The precious key to the esoteric treasure Hizōhōyaku 秘藏寶鑰 (University of Tōkyō, 1168, p. 1)
Pour citer cet article : Alberizzi, Valerio, « An introduction to kunten glossed texts and their study in Japan », Les dossiers de HEL : [supplément électronique à la revue Histoire Epistémologie Langage], Paris, SHESL, 2014, n°7, disponible en ligne :
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