Dossiers d’HEL n°7
Lecture vernaculaire de textes classiques chinois
Reading Chinese Classical texts in the Vernacular
Numéro dirigé par John Whitman et Franck Cinato
SHESL 2014

Présentation du projet
Reading Classical texts in the Vernacular
John B. Whitman
NINJAL/Cornell University
John B. Whitman is Professor of Linguistics at Cornell University and the Department of Crosslinguistic Studies at the National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics (NINJAL) in Tokyo. He has served as chair of Linguistics at Cornell and Director of the East Asia Program. He works on historical/comparative linguistics, language typology, and syntactic theory, with a primary focus on the languages of East Asia. He has published on the diachronic syntax, phonology, and morphology of Japanese, modern Japanese syntax, Korean syntax, and the diachronic syntax of Chinese. His current research focus is on the principles of syntactic change.
Picture caption : Sŏkdok (Interpretive) Kugyŏl in the Kŭmgwangmyŏng-gyŏng (金光明經), fascicle 3. Xylograph, 13th century (Koryŏ period).
Pour citer cet article : Whitman, John B., « Présentation du projet Reading Classical texts in the Vernacular », Les dossiers de HEL : [supplément électronique à la revue Histoire Epistémologie Langage], Paris, SHESL, 2014, n°7, disponible en ligne :
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