Dossiers d’HEL n°7
Lecture vernaculaire de textes classiques chinois
Reading Chinese Classical texts in the Vernacular
Numéro dirigé par John Whitman et Franck Cinato
SHESL 2014
Orientations bibliographiques
Alberizzi, Valerio Luigi. 2004. Studio filologico sul manoscritto dello Hizōhōyaku del secondo anno dell’era Nin’an (1168 d.C) – Il giapponese medio attraverso le fonti in kanbun kundoku del periodo Insei-Kamakura (1086-1333 d.C) [Middle Japanese as seen through an analysis of Insei-Kamakura period kanbun kundoku materials. A philological study on the Hizōhōyaku manuscript dated Nin’an 2, 1168 AD]. Venezia: Università Ca’ Foscari.
Alberizzi, Valerio Luigi. 2006. I manoscritti dei testi sacri dall’VIII al XII secolo come fonti per lo studio della lingua giapponese [Buddhist text manuscripts from VIII to XII centuries as materials for the investigation of Japanese language]. Scritture e codici nelle culture dell’Asia (Giappone, Cina, Tibet, India). Prospettive di studio.Venezia : Cafoscarina.
Alberizzi, Valerio Luigi. 2007. The significance of kanbun kundoku in the studies on Japanese language: the case of unread characters. Phoenix in domo Foscari, 1. Venezia: Civis (Scripta Web).
Crawcour, Sydney. 1965. An Introduction to Kanbun. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Center for Japanese Studies.
Gardner, Kenneth B. 1993. Descriptive catalog of Japanese Books in the British Library printed before 1700. London: British Library.
Giles, Lionel. 1957. Descriptive catalogue of the Chinese manuscripts from Tunhuang in the British Museum. London: Trustees of the British Museum.
Ishizuka Harumichi. 1995. Japanese and Korean devices for reading Chinese Texts. In Stary, Giovanni (ed.) Proceedings of the 38th Permanent International Altaistic Conference (PIAC), Kawasaki, Japan, August 7-12, 1995, 187-194. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.
Ishizuka Harumichi. 2010. Descriptive catalogue of the Chinese Manuscripts with reading marks and notes from Dunhuang 『敦煌点本書目』の英文術語. The 102nd meeting of the Kuntengo gakkai (訓点語学会) , Kyoto, May 23, 2010.
Kinsui, Satoshi. 2002. The Influence of Translation upon the Historical Development of the Japanese Language. Paper given at the Center for Japanese Studies Colloquium, University of California, Los Angeles, April 29, 2002.
Kobayashi, Yoshinori. 2007. Tracing the Spread of Kakuhitsu Glossing of Chinese Texts in East Asia. Translated by John Whitman. Paper presented at the Association for Asian Studies, Boston, MA. March 2007.
Komai, Akira and Thomas H. Rohlich. 1988. An Introduction to Japanese Kanbun. Naogya: University of Nagoya Press.
Seeley, Christopher. 1993. A History of Writing in Japan. Leiden: E.J.Brill. The Tōhō Gakkai. 1993. Studies in Sino-Japanese. Acta Asiatica 65.