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ISSN : 0750-8069 – eISSN : 1638-1580
Revue soutenue par l’Institut des sciences humaines et sociales (InSHS) du CNRS
Histoire Épistémologie Langage is an international biannual journal, founded in 1979, published by the Société d’Histoire et d’Epistémologie des Sciences du Langage (International Society for the History and Epistemology of the Language Sciences). Its aim is to promote and spread original research and knowledge in this field. The historical dimension involves the documentation of models from other times and traditions, and is central to an understanding of evolutionary processes and their causes. Epistemology offers critical perspectives on all aspects of the language sciences : linguistics, grammar, rhetoric, logic, pragmatics, philosophy of language, semiotics.
An advisory editorial board and a scientific committee, composed of major international specialists in the subject, assist the associate editors in the reviewing process and play a consultative role.
Contributions are published in several European languages.
Histoire Épistémologie Langage reaches an international readership and provides a scholarly meeting point for authors from universities and research centers in France, Europe and all over the world.
HEL has been awarded the Prix Brunet of the Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres
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Inexation in databases:
DOAJ, Sherpa Romeo, Mir@bel, Scopus, FRANCIS, IBZ Online, Periodicals Index Online , L’Année philologique, Index Islamicus, Linguistic Bibliography, Linguistics & Language Behavior Abstracts, MLA – Modern Language Association Database, DIALNET
Indexation in journal directories :
Mirabel : ;
Répertoire de revues du réseau Médici ;
Index savant, portail des revues scientifiques de la francophonie ;
Revues de linguistique, portail du CIEP
Culture, Langues, Textes, la revue de sommaire